Deunăzi, am dat de acest
articol pe Poate ca nu e mare lucru, însa ar putea sa ne
dea de gândit tuturor. Nouă, arhitecţilor şi in aceeaşi măsură şi vouă,
clienţii noştri:
1. Architects broke it
It’s probably our fault
to begin with. I don’t really know the exact numbers, but Buildings use
more fossil fuels than cars, construction debris makes up the highest
percentage of our landfills, building roofs and parking lots account for
the majority of storm water run-out issues, and Market driven greed for
greater and greater return on investment fueled a decade of speculative
office and housing developments at a scale never seen before. And, now
entire communities sit vacant and waiting for a recovery that may never
happen. Can Architects be trusted to come up with solutions for problems
we played a major role in causing in the first place?
More reasons after the break:
2. Architects solve
are some of the only professionals that are educated and trained to
find, explore, consider, analysis, and obsess over solutions for complex
problems. These are skills that can be applied to create opportunities
for community enrichment, or simply arrange toilet partitions. The trick
is setting your priorities.
3. Architects create
Architecture begins with a blank sheet of paper. We begin with nothing
but a need, or a desire. And, Architects are able (or willing) to draw
the first line on that blank page. That is a powerful position to be in.
4. Architects are current
are obsessed with “now”. We are always looking for the next thing. We
are drawn to innovations and new solutions. We are restless; always
seeking a better solution; a stronger image; and a more elegant
representation of our collective aspirations. Architects reinvent
ourselves with each and every project.
5. Architects are right
have consistently and persistently believed in the right things. We
were designing buildings that were environmentally sensitive years
before “green” design became a fashionable buzz-word. Architects believe
in efficiency; water conservation, recycling, using our resources
wisely. We believe in urbanity. We believe in communities. We believe in
6. Architects hope
embodies the collective passion of mankind. Architecture asks us to be
better than we are. What other profession can make that claim?
7. Architecture is in our DNA
built environment creates the parameters of our life. We are born, live
our lives, and die within the walls of Architecture. From hospitals, to
daycares, to schools, to offices, to homes, to parks, to restaurants,
to funeral homes, to cemeteries. Architecture stands beside us
(consistently and patiently) as we define our very existence in the
8. Architects collaborate
no longer “design” we “negotiate”. The art of creating buildings lies
in the choreography of complex systems and diverse interests and forces.
The Architect can act as leader, facilitator, counselor, our collective
conscience, a touch-stone, inspiration, and lynch-pin. Architects are
fuel for creation.
9. Architects are indestructible
2009, 40% of all Architects were laid-off. We are ALL still here. ALL
of us started our own company. Architects continue to work because we
see a continued need for our service and skills and efforts and talents
and passion. Architects will continue to work for the needs of our
community, with or without bank financing.
10. Architects are storytellers
one is excited about the program of a building. No one cares about the
materiality of the forms. No one thinks about the building systems. No
one really loses sleep over the cost of a building. No one remembers the
difficulty we traversed during the process of design. Everyone forgot
the 2 week delay, No one is interested in the references we made, and no
one remembers the speech you made about balance and harmony at the city
council meeting. But, everyone remembers the folding chair they sat in
to watch their son or daughter graduate kindergarten and middle school
and high school and college. Everyone remembers their first job
interview; their wedding day; or the 10 days in ICU after the birth of
their 3rd son; or the first time they noticed their Grandmother’s fading
memory; or looking into your future wife’s eyes at 2am and slowly
brushing her hair out of her eyes and seeing a path that leads to the
rest of your life. Architecture is not a form; Architecture houses a
Architects can tell that story.